Tommy had his 15 month dr's visit today and weighed in at 23.5 pounds and 30 inches long - he seems much heavier than that! Despite his frequent colds and respiratory issues, he is thriving.
We have all been stir crazy with the freezing cold weather and snow. Tommy loves to look out the backdoor at all of the snow and when one of us gets our coat and shoes on, he runs to the back door and is ready to go, too! So, we're hoping for nicer weather soon so we can get out and about easier.

More housework for Tommy
Sitting inside the cardboard box that he prefers over all of his toys
Peeking out of one of the holes Doug cut in the box - he tips the box on its side and climbs in and stands up. He's a good problem solver!
He fits just perfectly for now....
Going back in to climb out and run off to make a mess somewhere else.
We are going to Florida in one month and we cannot wait. We usually love winter weather but this year has been especially cold and it's not easy or pleasant to take Tommy out in the extreme cold.
Stay warm!
I can't believe he is 15 months old already. Will you be at the Tet Party or will you be in Florida?
allie used to play in boxes when she was tommy's age! maybe it's just a little kid thing?
make sure tommy wears clothes in FL. that's another thing allie was infamous for...refusing to wear anything but her diaper.
but you probably know all that already...
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