Sunday, July 15, 2007

9 Months Old

Tommy enjoyed his first venture into a pool last weekend - kiddie pool, that is. The weather was sweltering hot and so we filled up a kiddie pool in the front yard, slathered on the sunscreen, and let Tommy splash around. He loved it. We start swimming lessons at the end of the month, so he's getting a head start!

Here's Tommy on the morning of his 9 month birthday checking out the shadows on the wall....he loves it.

Enjoying a popsicle....he likes this much better than the plain old ice cube we give him to help with his teeth.

Here's Tommy just being adorable and trying to get the camera.....the weather cooled off later in the week so we spent some time outdoors playing. He loved feeling the grass, listening to the cars drive by, and the kids going by on their bikes.

And finally, he has discovered the doors, and especially loves the screen door. He is crawling everywhere, into different rooms, down the hallway, and is starting to pull up on furniture. We have purchased our first baby gate to be installed at the top of the stairs today.

Tommy is such a great little guy, and we are reminded everyday of how lucky we are to have him!


Kathryn said...

Are you still going to the Dragon Boat Festival this weekend? I can't wait to see you guys and meet Tommy!!! 9 months already, WOW!!!

Kathryn said...

It was great seeing you on Saturday and getting to meet Tommy. He is such a great little guy!