Sunday, April 8, 2007

A New Week

We are excited to be starting a new week with a fresh start. Tommy slept about 9 hours last night, but did wake up twice to eat.

As you can see here, Tommy loves to read...and hold the books, and also smash them against our heads. He also likes to pull on our glasses and jewelry.

We ordered pizza last night - yes, pizza. And they even delivered - for free. Pizza has never tasted so good. Now if they only had Portillo's or Buona Beef here, we'd be all set. No, Tommy didn't really try any pizza, but we thought Grandma and Grandpa Gray would enjoy this picture!

Doug is on his way to the "Big C" market right now - similar to WalMart - to pick up a stroller for the baby. Since we are hotel-bound for awhile, we thought it would be easier to have a stroller for him instead of carrying or using the Baby Bjorn, which he isn't crazy about after awhile.

Signing off for now - it's almost time for Tommy's next nebulizer treatment. Not fun for any of us!

Please keep in touch!

Tara, Doug and Tommy


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that Tommy has been sick; hopefully his treatments will help him to feel 100% better soon. I'm also sorry that your initiation into dealing with childhood illnesses happened so soon, but it sounds like you are giving him great care. Most of all, I have to say how CUTE Tommy is! You have some great pictures of him, and I love how bright and happy he looks.

Happy belated Easter! I hope you have a great week.



meredith said...

are you sure it just isn't doug that enjoys reading to tommy? kidding...maybe.

i'm going to buy tommy some bama gear so he fits in with henry. what size should i get?