Saturday, March 31, 2007


This is a snapshot of the Korean specialty BIBIMBOP on the flight from O'Hare to Seoul. Doug also had a bowl of seaweed soup with that meal, which he said tasted just like "eating low tide." Yum.

I just uploaded the few photos we've taken, and this is the view from our hotel room. There is a heavy combination of fog and smog, and the smell of exhaust and diesel fuel makes you realize why so many people wear surgical masks.


JMP said...

I was looking for How do I get back there?


Anonymous said...

Tara & Doug,
Just want to tell you Tom and I are enjoying all your JOY as you adopt cute little Tommy. How old is he? About 5 months? Enjoy the age before they crawl.
Loved the Bug Bunny Tommy shirt.
Best of everything and may the transition and trip home go smoothly. Happy Easter!!!
love, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

I clicked Publish Your Comment. HOpe it got to you. We are so happy for you two.